84,488,480 programs installed

Should I remove WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks?

What percent of users and experts removed it?
61% remove it39% keep it
Overall Sentiment
What do people think about it?
(click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #42,887
Reach 0.0021%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 19.52 days
575.90 days >
Average installed length: 302.59 days


VersionDistribution 100.00%

WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks

What is WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks?

SweetPacks contains a modified installer of the free WinRAR utility. The installer will bundle the SweetPacks toolbar as well as other search toolbars with will modify the user's web browser home and search page as well as add a toolbar within the web browser.


A vast majority of those who have this installed end up removing it just after a couple weeks.
  • Known to include offers within the setup
WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks has been seen bundling various 3rd party software during the installation process. Make sure to check for and remove unused programs.

Program detailsProgram details

Displayed publisher: SweetPacks LTD
URL: sweetpacks.com
Uninstaller: "C:\Program Files\sweetpacks bundle uninstaller\uninstaller.exe" "/appName=WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks"

How do I remove WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks?

You can uninstall WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
  1. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
    • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. When you find the program WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks, click it, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
    • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  3. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove WinRAR Bundle by SweetPacks.
  4. If for some reason uninstallation fails, please install Microsoft's uninstall fixer utility which will help fix problems with programs that can't be uninstalled at support.microsoft.com.

Win 7 (SP1) 61%
Win Vista 2%
Uninstall it 61%
Keep it 39%

Windows OS versionsWindows

Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 65.85%
Windows 10 21.95%
Windows XP 9.76%
Windows Vista 2.44%
Which OS releases does it run on?
Windows 7 Home Premium 34.15%
Windows 7 Professional 14.63%
Microsoft Windows XP 9.76%
Windows 7 Ultimate 9.76%
Windows 7 Home Basic 4.88%
Windows 8 4.88%

Distribution by countryGeography

20.00% of installs come from Brazil
Which countries install it?
  Brazil 20.00%
  Italy 17.50%
  United States 12.50%
  United Kingdom 10.00%
  India 10.00%
  Canada 5.00%
  France 5.00%
  Netherlands 5.00%
  United Arab Emirates 2.50%
  Belgium 2.50%
  Germany 2.50%
  DK 2.50%
  Portugal 2.50%
  Sweden 2.50%

OEM distributionPC manufacturers

What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard 22.22%
Acer 19.44%
Dell 16.67%
Lenovo 11.11%
Sony 5.56%
Medion 5.56%
ASUS 5.56%
Toshiba 2.78%
Samsung 2.78%
Intel 2.78%
American Megatrends 2.78%
Common models
LENOVO 3493GDP 6.25%
Sony SVE1512H1EW 3.13%
Sony SVE1511F1EW 3.13%
Samsung QX310/QX410/QX510... 3.13%
Positivo Positivo MO... 3.13%

About SweetIM Technologies

The SweetIM Toolbar is a free browsing Toolbar that allows the user to add their favorite Icons and Emoticons to any web based account.
Publisher URL: sweetim.sweetpacks.com


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