Should I remove UpdateStar Product Key Finder?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
58% remove it42% keep it
What do people think about it?
(click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #45,257
Reach 0.0018%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 12.26 days
361.69 days >
Average installed length: 190.04 days
Version | Distribution | |
33.33% |
| |
66.67% |
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UpdateStar Product Key Finder
from UpdateStar GmbH
What is UpdateStar Product Key Finder? (from UpdateStar GmbH)
Product Key Finder helps you to safeguard licenses and activation keys for software products installed on your local computers or remote network computers. Because you paid for your software products and licenses, let Product Key Finder find and export them. Product Key Finder supports scanning of local computers as we... Read more
UpdateStar Product Key Finder is a program developed by UpdateStar GmbH. The most used version is, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. The main program executable is keyfinder.exe. The software installer includes 2 files and is usually about 23.51 MB (24,652,042 bytes). In comparison to the total number of users, most PCs are running the OS Windows 10 as well as Windows 7 (SP1). While about 44% of users of UpdateStar Product Key Finder come from the United States, it is also popular in Germany and Switzerland.
Program details
Displayed publisher: UpdateStar
Help link:
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\UpdateStar\Product Key Finder\
Uninstaller: "C:\Program Files\UpdateStar\Product Key Finder\unins000.exe"
Estimated size: 23.51 MB
Files installed by UpdateStar Product Key Finder
Program executable: | keyfinder.exe |
Name: | Product Key Finder |
Path: | C:\Program Files\updatestar\product key finder\keyfinder.exe |
MD5: | 05e513b4985f34b5c990627bff5ec11d |
Additional files:
unins000.exe - Setup/Uninstall
How do I remove UpdateStar Product Key Finder?
You can uninstall UpdateStar Product Key Finder from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program UpdateStar Product Key Finder, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove UpdateStar Product Key Finder.
Win 10 53%
Win 7 (SP1) 47%
Uninstall it 58%
Keep it 42%
Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 10 |
52.78% |
Windows 7 |
47.22% |
Which OS releases does it run on? |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
30.56% |
Windows 8.1 |
16.67% |
Windows 10 Pro |
11.11% |
Windows 8.1 Pro |
11.11% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
11.11% |
Windows 10 Home |
8.33% |
44.23% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
44.23% |
Germany |
40.38% |
Switzerland |
3.85% |
India |
1.92% |
Indonesia |
1.92% |
Japan |
1.92% |
Canada |
1.92% |
Italy |
1.92% |
Saudi Arabia |
1.92% |
PC manufacturers
What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard |
18.52% |
Medion |
18.52% |
Dell |
14.81% |
Acer |
14.81% |
11.11% |
7.41% |
Lenovo |
7.41% |
Samsung |
3.70% |
Toshiba |
3.70% |
Common models |
Gigabyte X58A-UD3R |
7.41% |
TOSHIBA Satellite L350D |
3.70% |
MSI MS-7693 |
3.70% |
3.70% |
3.70% |
3.70% |