Should I remove Pelles C for Windows?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
3% remove it97% keep it
What do people think about it?
Be the first to rate (click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #23,811
United States Rank #23,367
Reach 0.0078%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 10.27 days
302.86 days >
Average installed length: 159.13 days
Version | Distribution |
9.00 |
0.65% |
8.00 |
26.80% |
7.00 |
72.55% |
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Pelles C for Windows
from Pelle Orinius
Pelles C for Windows is a software program developed by Pelle Orinius. The most common release is 7.00, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. The primary executable is named poide64.exe. The setup package generally installs about 91 files. Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10. While about 43% of users of Pelles C for Windows come from the United States, it is also popular in MA and Germany.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\PellesC
Uninstaller: "C:\Program Files\PellesC\uninst.exe"
Files installed by Pelles C for Windows
Program executable: | poide64.exe |
Name: | Pelles C for Windows |
| Pelles C IDE |
Path: | C:\Program Files\pellesc\bin\poide64.exe |
MD5: | 96cafd3bae3ac14d8b19ff682b8f6486 |
Additional files:
rsrc000c.dll - Pelles C pour Windows (Pelles C IDE French resources)
cc.exe - Pelles C for Windows (Pelles ISO C Compiler/Macro Assembler Driver)
cecap.exe - Pelles Screen Capture for Windows CE
ceget.exe - Pelles Copy Utility for Windows CE
cformat.dll - Pelles C IDE Source Code Formatter DLL
conapp.dll - Console application wizard
custcntl.dll - Custom control wizard
evcproj.dll - Import eMbedded VC project
fdiff.dll - Pelles C IDE File Difference Utility DLL
idespawn.exe - Pelles C IDE Spawn Utility
msvcproj.dll - Import MSVC project
poasm.exe - Pelles Macro Assembler
pobind.exe - Pelles Bind Utility
pobr.dll - Pelles Browse Information Manager DLL
pobr.exe - Pelles Browse Information Manager Driver
pocb.exe - Pelles CAB Builder for Windows CE
pocc.exe - Pelles ISO C Compiler
pocert.exe - Pelles C för Windows (Pelles certifikathanterare)
pocrt.dll - Pelles C Runtime Library DLL
podump.exe - Pelles Binary File Dumper
poh2inc.exe - Pelles H to INC Converter
poide.exe - Pelles C IDE
poinst.exe - Pelles Install Builder
polib.exe - Pelles Library Manager
polink.exe - Pelles Linker
pomake.exe - Pelles Make Utility
pomc.exe - Pelles Message Compiler
porc.dll - Pelles Resource Compiler DLL
porc.exe - Pelles Resource Compiler Driver
porebase.exe - Pelles Rebase Utility
poreg.exe - Pelles Registry Editor
posign.exe - Pelles kodsignerare
poviewp.exe - Pelles processhanterare
ppcapp.dll - Pocket PC application wizard
rsrc0007.dll - Pelles C IDE German resources
rsrc0009.dll - Pelles C IDE English resources
rsrc001d.dll - Pelles C IDE Swedish resources
spapp.dll - Smartphone application wizard
sqlite3.dll - SQLite3 Database Engine
support.dll - Pelles C IDE Support DLL
wceinst.dll - WinCE installer wizard
winapp.dll - Windows application wizard
windll.dll - Windows DLL wizard
wininst.dll - Win32 installer wizard
How do I remove Pelles C for Windows?
You can uninstall Pelles C for Windows from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program Pelles C for Windows, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Pelles C for Windows.
Uninstall it 3%
Keep it 97%
PC installation base
Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 |
62.34% |
Windows 10 |
31.17% |
Windows XP |
5.84% |
Windows Vista |
0.65% |
Which OS releases does it run on? |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
22.88% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
18.95% |
Windows 7 Professional |
14.38% |
Windows 10 Pro |
7.84% |
Microsoft Windows XP |
5.88% |
Windows 8 Pro |
5.23% |
42.70% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
42.70% |
MA |
8.99% |
Germany |
5.06% |
Brazil |
4.49% |
Canada |
3.93% |
India |
3.37% |
DZ |
3.37% |
Russia |
2.25% |
Saudi Arabia |
2.25% |
TN |
1.69% |
France |
1.69% |
Spain |
1.69% |
Netherlands |
1.69% |
United Kingdom |
1.69% |
PC manufacturers
What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard |
25.49% |
Acer |
22.55% |
Dell |
17.65% |
10.78% |
Lenovo |
8.82% |
Toshiba |
3.92% |
Alienware |
2.94% |
Samsung |
2.94% |
Apple |
1.96% |
Intel |
1.96% |
0.98% |
Common models |
HP Pavilion g6 Notebook P... |
2.83% |
Alienware M14xR2 |
2.83% |
HP 620 |
2.83% |
Dell Inspiron N5010 |
1.89% |
HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook ... |
1.89% |
HP ZBook 15 G2 |
1.89% |