84,488,480 programs installed

Should I remove PMDG744X_GE_KL?

What percent of users and experts removed it?
8% remove it92% keep it
Overall Sentiment
Very good
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How common is it?
Global Rank #36,554
United States Rank #45,115
Reach 0.0031%


1.00.0000 100.00%

Other programs by Precision Manuals Development Group


What is PMDG744X_GE_KL?

The PMDG Boeing 747-400 is an airline simulation set for use with various fligt simulator and modeling packages including Microsoft's Flight Simulator. Both engine variants included, accurately modeled to the smallest details and completed with high resolution textures. The PMDG 747-400 / 747-400F supports version X for FSX.

About  (from Precision Manuals Development Group)

PMDG brings you the 747-400X for Microsoft Flight Simulator X! 3D Studio Max 747-400 & 747-400F Models - Accurately modeled down to the smallest detail complete with high resolution textures and three different engine variants Airplane Animations - Hundreds of animated parts on the exterior model bring the 747-400 to...  Read more


A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version). The software is designed to connect to the Internet and adds a Windows Firewall exception in order to do so without being interfered with. The software installer includes 100 files and is usually about 45.97 MB (48,206,620 bytes).

Program detailsProgram details

URL: www.precisionmanuals.com/pages/product/744x.html
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\
Uninstaller: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{D4CF23EE-B0B6-4E5F-A335-8E63F8AFAC98}\setup.exe -runfromtemp -l0x0009 -removeonly
Estimated size: 45.97 MB
Language: English

Program filesFiles installed by PMDG744X_GE_KL

  • PMDG_SimConnect_Ldr.dll (by PMDG) - PMDGSimConnectLdr Dynamic Link Library (PMDGSimConnectLdr DLL)
  • bglmanx.dll (by VIRTUALI s.a.s) - bglmanx Dynamic Link Library
  • digichk4.dll
  • api.dll (by Microsoft) - Microsoft® Flight Simulator X (api dll)
  • fsui.dll (by Microsoft) - fsui dll
  • main.dll - main dll
  • ablscpt.dll - ablscpt dll
  • Ace.exe - Ace Editor
  • acontain.dll - acontain dll
  • activate.exe - Microsoft Game Studios Activation Wizard (Microsoft Games Studios Activation Wizard)
  • ai_player.dll - ai_player dll
  • atc.dll - atc dll
  • controls.dll - controls dll
  • demo.dll - demo dll
  • DVDCheck.exe - Flight Simulator DVDCheck
  • eula.dll - eula dll
  • facilities.dll - facilities dll
  • fe.dll - fe dll
  • flight.dll - flight dll
  • FS2000.exe - Microsoft Flight Simulator®
  • FS2002.exe
  • FS9.exe
  • FSACL.exe - FS ACL
  • fs-traffic.dll - fs-traffic dll
  • fsx.exe
  • g2d.dll - g2d dll
  • g3d.dll - g3d dll
  • gps.dll - gps dll
  • Kiosk.exe - Flight Simulator Kiosk
  • language.dll - language dll
  • livingwater.dll - livingwater dll
  • mspac.dll - Product Activation Wizard (Microsoft Game Studios PA Wizard)
  • mspacres.dll
  • multiplayer.dll - multiplayer dll
  • panels.dll - panels dll
  • sim1.dll - sim1 dll
  • simprop.dll - simprop dll
  • simpropace.dll - simpropace dll
  • simpropext.dll - simpropext dll
  • simscheduler.dll - simscheduler dll
  • AbacusPremierCollectionFSX.dll (by Abacus Software) - Premier Collection (Premier Collection registration module)
  • AddDLLForPremierCollection.exe (by Abacus) - AddDLLForPremier Collection
  • ANFS3uninst.exe
  • aw109highuninstall.exe
  • C208BSCFREELIVERUES.exe - Carenado C208B SUPER CARGOMASTER FREE LIVERIES Install Program< ProductVersion
  • Cessna Citation II.exe
  • Check.dll
  • CIIXUninstaller.exe
  • COMDLG32.OCX - CMDIALOG (CMDialog ActiveX Control DLL)
  • couatl.exe (by Gamecentric)
  • csP751_uninstall.exe (by Captain Sim) - 757-200 Base Pack
  • csX753_uninstall.exe (by Captain Sim) - 757-300 Expansion Model
  • csX767_uninstall.exe - 767 Captain (767-300 Base Pack)
  • d3d9.dll (by ENB) - ENBSeries mod
  • Dbs.Waf.Uninstal.exe
  • Désinstaller_LFLP-Annecy Haute-Savoie.exe
  • Désinstaller_LFMH-St Etienne Boutheon.exe
  • esftchk2.dll
  • flt1chk3.dll
  • FnpCommsSoap.dll (by Flexera Software) - FLEXnet Publisher (32 bit) (FLEXnet Publisher Communication SOAP Module)

Program behaviorsBehaviors exhibited

4 Scheduled Tasks
  • fsx.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{B49D6CC0-11A7-4D64-A94F-35D2BC00D02C}' (runs on registration).
  • FS9.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{CCDBEF22-5870-48D3-B6D1-6D925D83B07F}' (runs on registration).
  • activate.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{E27E0D7B-F2CB-4608-9FCA-BF6C17B43254}' (runs on registration).
  • DVDCheck.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{64EFB321-6E68-4819-8927-112192BBEEB2}' (runs on registration).
Windows Firewall Allowed Program
  • fsx.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe'.

How do I remove PMDG744X_GE_KL?

You can uninstall PMDG744X_GE_KL from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
  1. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
    • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. When you find the program PMDG744X_GE_KL, click it, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
    • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  3. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove PMDG744X_GE_KL.

Uninstall it 8%
Keep it 92%
PC installation base

Windows OS versionsWindows

Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 68.85%
Windows 10 24.59%
Windows XP 3.28%
Windows Vista 3.28%
Which OS releases does it run on?
Windows 7 Home Premium 42.62%
Windows 7 Ultimate 14.75%
Windows 7 Professional 9.84%
Windows 8.1 8.20%
Windows 10 Home 6.56%
Microsoft Windows XP 3.28%

Distribution by countryGeography

26.87% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
  United States 26.87%
  Netherlands 14.93%
  Germany 13.43%
  United Kingdom 7.46%
  Canada 4.48%
  France 4.48%
  Italy 4.48%
  Malaysia 4.48%
  DK 2.99%
  AM 1.49%
  Belgium 1.49%
  Brazil 1.49%
  BS 1.49%
  Switzerland 1.49%

OEM distributionPC manufacturers

What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Acer 28.21%
Dell 17.95%
Hewlett-Packard 17.95%
Toshiba 5.13%
Sony 5.13%
Medion 5.13%
Lenovo 2.56%
Intel 2.56%
Apple 2.56%
ASUS 2.56%
Common models
ASUS All Series 9.76%
Gateway FX6860 4.88%
Gigabyte X58A-UD3R 4.88%
TOSHIBA Satellite L500 2.44%
Gigabyte P35-DS3L 2.44%

About Precision Manuals Development Group

PMDG is a commercial add-on aircraft developer for the Microsoft Flight Simulator series.
Publisher URL: www.precisionmanuals.com


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