Should I remove K7AntiVirus Plus?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
6% remove it94% keep it
What do people think about it?
(click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #44,105
Reach 0.0020%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 78.98 days
738.04 days >
Average installed length: 387.78 days
Version | Distribution |
15.00 |
7.69% |
13.0 |
66.67% |
12.0 |
17.95% |
11.1.0061 |
5.13% |
11.1.0057 |
2.56% |
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K7AntiVirus Plus
What is K7AntiVirus Plus? (from K7 Computing Pvt Ltd)
K7 Anti-virus Plus - the most comprehensive and affordable protection for home PCs. Recognized by industry insiders all over the world, it provides complete security against cyber criminals and other evolving cyber threats. Install K7 Anti-virus Plus today and protect yourself from becoming the next victim. Cyber crime... Read more
K7AntiVirus Plus is a software program developed by K7 Computing Pvt Ltd. The most common release is 13.0, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in order to automatically start when any user boots the PC. Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. Manually stopping the service has been seen to cause the program to stop functing properly. It adds a background controller service that is set to automatically run. Delaying the start of this service is possible through the service manager. The setup package generally installs about 62 files and is usually about 192.95 MB (202,318,332 bytes). Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 and Windows 7 (SP1). While about 50% of users of K7AntiVirus Plus come from India, it is also popular in the United States and OM.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\K7 Computing\K7TSecurity
Uninstaller: C:\Program Files\K7 Computing\K7TSecurity\K7TSecurityUninstall.exe
Estimated size: 192.95 MB
Language: English (United States)
Files installed by K7AntiVirus Plus
k7tmbrdg.dll - K7TMBrdg Dynamic Link Library (K7 TM Agent)
K7AVEvnt.dll - K7Security Suite of Products (K7AVEvnt Module)
K7AVLExt.dll - K7AntiVirus LogViewer Extension
K7AVMScn.dll - K7AntiVirus Messenger Scan Helper
K7AVMScn.exe - K7AntiVirus Messenger Scanner Stub
K7AVOApi.dll - K7AntiVirus Office Plugin Dll
K7AVOptn.dll - K7AntiVirus Configuration Extension
K7AVQrnt.dll - K7AntiVirus Quarantine Helper
K7AVQrnt.exe - K7AntiVirus Quarantine Viewer
K7AVScan.exe - K7AntiVirus Scanner Loader
K7AVWScn.dll - K7AntiVirus Scanning UI
K7CmnToolsRes.dll - Resources
k7crvr.dll - K7Carnivore Engine
k7crvrex.dll - K7CrvrEx Dynamic Link Library
K7CrvSvc.exe - K7Carnivore Service
K7CTScan.exe - K7 Core Service Agent I Helper
k7emlpxy.exe - K7 Core Service Agent IV
K7EmlScn.dll - K7AntiVirus - Email Scan Handler
k7fwsrvc.exe - K7 Core Service Agent II
K7InetChk.dll - K7InetChk Library
K7PSOpt1.dll - K7Privacy Configuration Window.
K7RegExt.dll - K7Security Suite Registration Helper Dll
K7RMScan.dll - K7RMScan
k7rtscan.exe - K7 Core Service Agent I
K7ScrBlk.dll - K7AntiVirus - Script Blocker Helper Dll
k7sysmn1.dll - K7System Monitor Dll Helper
K7SysMon.Exe - K7SysMon Module
k7tliehistory.exe - Internet Explorer History
K7TLInetTemp.exe - Internet Temporary Files
k7tlmtry.exe - K7 TLM Module
K7TLUSBVaccine.exe - USB Vaccination
K7TLWinTemp.exe - Windows Temporary Files
K7TSAlrt.exe - K7ISNotify1 Module
k7tsecurity.exe - K7 User Agent
K7TSEvnt.dll - K7TSEvnt
K7TSHelp.dll - K7TotalSecurity Help Dispatcher
K7TSHlpr.dll - K7TSHlpr Module
K7TSHlpr.exe - K7TotalSecurity Helper Component
K7TSInfo.dll - K7AboutDlg Module
healthmon.exe - Security Health Monitor (HealthMonitor)
K7DisinfectorGUI.exe - K7Disinfector Tool
K7TSConRes.dll - K7UltimateSecurity (K7TSConRes Module)
K7TLVirtKey.exe - K7VirtualKeyboard
k7cmnres.dll - K7AntiVirus Plus (K7CmnRes Module)
K7RegIntf.dll - K7RegIntf Module (K7RegIntf)
K7ClnEng.dll - K7ClnEng Module
K7ClnReg.dll - K7ClnReg Module
K7ScnEng.dll - K7ScnEng Module
K7TSecurityUninstall.exe - K7 Uninstaller
K7RKScan.dll - K7RKScan (K7RKScan Core)
K7TSDbg.exe - K7TotalSecurity Product Troubleshooter
Behaviors exhibited
4 Services
- K7EmlPxy.exe runs as a service named 'K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server' (K7EmlPxy) "Email Proxy for POP3 Mail Clients".
- K7RTScan.exe runs as a service named 'K7RealTime AntiVirus Services' (K7RTScan) "K7AntiVirus Protects your computer on a realtime basis from viruses,trojans and other unwanted software.".
- k7fwsrvc.exe runs as a service named 'K7Firewall Services' (K7FWSrvc) "K7Firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the Internet or a network.".
- K7CrvSvc.exe runs as a service named 'K7Carnivore Service' (K7CrvSvc).
Startup File (All Users Run)
- K7TSecurity.exe is loaded in the all users (HKLM) registry as a startup file name 'K7TSStart' which loads as C:\Program Files\K7 Computing\K7TSecurity\K7TSecurity.exe.
Resource utilization averages
Show technical details
K7CrvSvc.exe |
Memory: | 333.33 KB | |
User CPU: | 0.00013533% | |
I/O reads/min: | 0 Bytes | |
I/O writes/min: | 0 Bytes | |
k7fwsrvc.exe |
Memory: | 7.92 MB | |
Total CPU: | 0.0000598847% | |
Kernel CPU: | 0.00002411% | |
User CPU: | 0.00003578% | |
I/O reads/min: | 151 Bytes | |
I/O writes/min: | 0 Bytes | |
K7SysMon.Exe |
Memory: | 5.88 MB | |
Total CPU: | 0.0031080214% | |
Kernel CPU: | 0.00147871% | |
User CPU: | 0.00162931% | |
Switches/sec: | 1 | |
I/O reads/min: | 105.5 KB | |
How do I remove K7AntiVirus Plus?
You can uninstall K7AntiVirus Plus from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program K7AntiVirus Plus, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove K7AntiVirus Plus.
Win 7 38%
Win Vista (SP2) 3%
Automatically starts? Yes
(Found in the run registry)
Uninstall it 6%
Keep it 94%
Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 |
66.67% |
Windows 10 |
20.51% |
Windows XP |
10.26% |
Windows Vista |
2.56% |
Which OS releases does it run on? |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
35.90% |
Windows 7 Professional |
20.51% |
Microsoft Windows XP |
10.26% |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
7.69% |
Windows 8.1 Pro |
5.13% |
Windows 8 |
2.56% |
50.00% of installs come from India
Which countries install it?
India |
50.00% |
United States |
21.43% |
OM |
9.52% |
Iran |
7.14% |
NP |
4.76% |
BD |
2.38% |
Ireland |
2.38% |
Italy |
2.38% |
PC manufacturers
What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard |
21.21% |
Acer |
21.21% |
Sony |
18.18% |
Lenovo |
15.15% |
Dell |
6.06% |
Intel |
6.06% |
Samsung |
3.03% |
Toshiba |
3.03% |
Sahara |
3.03% |
3.03% |
Common models |
LENOVO 20351 |
6.25% |
Hasee Computer Co., Ltd H... |
6.25% |
Dell Inspiron 3521 |
6.25% |
TOSHIBA Satellite L755 |
3.13% |
Shenzhen EMC Technology U... |
3.13% |
3.13% |
About K7 Computing Pvt Ltd
K7 Computing is an IT software and hardware security company in India whose software research and virus detection is handled by its own virus lab.
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