Juniper Networks, Inc.
About Juniper Networks, Inc.
Juniper Networks is a manufacturer of networking equipment that designs and sells high-performance Internet Protocol network products and services. The company's main products include T-series, M-series, E-series, MX-series, and J-series families of routers, EX-series Ethernet switches and SRX-series security products. Junos, Juniper's own network operating system, runs on most Juniper products.
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Programs by Juniper Networks
18 known major program versions, ordered by most used.
“Users will still need appropriate permissions and rights to install the Juniper Setup Client, as per the Client Side Changes Guide, which can be downloaded from the Juniper Support documentation...
” More about Juniper Networks Setup Client
“Host Checker is a client-side agent that performs endpoint checks on hosts that connect to the IVE. You can invoke Host Checker before displaying an IVE sign-in page to a user and when evaluating a...
” More about Juniper Networks Host Checker
“To run Juniper Terminal Services Client, the Secure Access Service downloads the Neotermservsetup.exe file (or the NeotermservsetupNT.exe file for Windows 2000 and earlier) to the user’s client. This...
” More about Juniper Terminal Services Client
Network Connect is a software package from Juniper Networks that interfaces with its Secure Access hardware and provides a Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution.
“To execute the Juniper Citrix Services Client, the Secure Access Service downloads neoCitrixServSetup.exe to the user’s client. This executable downloads additional files to the user’s system. The...
” More about Juniper Citrix Services Client
“The IVE’s Win32 client-side components such as Windows Secure application Manager, Network Connect, Cache Cleaner, Host Checker and Windows Terminal Services (WTS) require user’s to have...
” More about Juniper Installer Service
“Cache Cleaner is a Host Checker policy that removes residual data, such as temporary files or application caches, left on a user’s machine after a Secure Access session. For example, when a user signs...
” More about Juniper Networks Cache Cleaner
“Juniper Networks Unified Access Control (UAC) delivers comprehensive, granular network and application access control for even the most diverse, complex environments, reducing cost and maximizing...
” More about Juniper Networks UAC Host Checker
“The Juniper Networks Odyssey Access Client family of 802.1X client software delivers secure connectivity for global enterprises and government agencies through uncompromised login credentials and...
” More about Juniper Odyssey Access Client
The Juniper Networks Secure Meeting feature allows an individual to share their desktop with someone else.
Network Connect is a software package from Juniper Networks that interfaces with its Secure Access hardware and provides a Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution.
“When installing a Windows-based Secure Access Service client application on a user’s Windows system, the Juniper Installer Service deploys two files on the client machine: JuniperSetupSP1Control.ocx,...
” More about Installer Service
“Juniper Networks SSL VPN products have a variety of form factors and features that can be combined to meet the needs of companies of all sizes, from SMBs that need access for remote/mobile employees...
” More about Juniper SSL VPN IVE