84,488,480 programs installed

Should I remove CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com?

What percent of users and experts removed it?
74% remove it26% keep it
Overall Sentiment
What do people think about it?
(click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #42,007
United States Rank #23,292
Reach 0.0022%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 409.76 days
1281.64 days >
Average installed length: 673.40 days


VersionDistribution 100.00%

CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com v5.0.5.1

What is CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com?

CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com is a web browser toolbar designed for various charity organizations with the intention of providing a percentage of any purchases made by the user using the toolbar through a valid merchant back to the charity. The We-Care.com toolbar relies on the consumer becoming a member. If the consumer buys through this toolbar throgh a set of affiliate merchants they will donate a percentage of their purchase to a charity of their choice.

About  (from We-Care.com)

Use these Downloads to promote and raise money for your cause. The We-Care Reminder automatically makes your purchases count, even when you forget to click through the mall. You and your friends can fundraise as a team with the Shop & Give Gadget. And you can use our Web Badges to drive traffic from your website, blog,...  Read more


It adds a Browser Helper Object (BHO) to Internet Explorer. In the Google Chrome browser, it will add an extension. The main program executable is iehelperv2.5.0.dll. Typically most users end up uninstalling this just after a few days. The software installer includes 5 files and is usually about 4.21 MB (4,411,392 bytes). wcautoupdate.exe is the automatic update component of the software designed to download and apply new updates should new versions be released.
  • Loads into the web browser
  • Typically distributed through a pay-per-install bundle
  • Many experts agree, if you don't use it you should remove it!
CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com has been found to be bundled with 3rd party software. If you have not purposefully installed this, you should be safe uninstalling it.

Program detailsProgram details

URL: www.we-care.com
Installation folder: C:\ProgramData\wecarereminder
Uninstaller: MsiExec.exe /X{1CCF681C-C203-49B3-83F4-A54F0F944416}
(The Windows Installer is used for the installation, maintenance, and removal.)
Estimated size: 4.21 MB
Language: English (United States)

Program filesFiles installed by CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com v5.0.5.1

Program module:iehelperv2.5.0.dll
We-Care.com Browser Helper
WeCareReminder tracks the web pages you view agianst a large remote database of affliate partners, it it sees a know affiliate it will direct any purchasing transactions through that affiliate so that it can generate revenue. In some cases,...
Additional files:
  • wcautoupdate.exe - Auto-Update.exe for We-Care Reminder
  • reminderhelper.exe - ReminderHelper (WeCareReminder Helper App)
  • iehelperv2.5.0ps.dll
  • wecarereminderro.crx

Program behaviorsBehaviors exhibited

Internet Explorer BHO
  • iehelperv2.5.0.dll is installed in Internet Explorer as a BHO (Browser Helper Object) under the name 'WeCareReminder Class' with the class of {D824F0DE-3D60-4F57-9EB1-66033ECD8ABB} (WeCareReminder).

How do I remove CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com?

You can uninstall CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
  1. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
    • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. When you find the program CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com v5.0.5.1, click it, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
    • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  3. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com.
  4. If for some reason uninstallation fails, please install Microsoft's uninstall fixer utility which will help fix problems with programs that can't be uninstalled at support.microsoft.com.

How do I reset my web browser?

If your web browser homepage and search settings have been modfied by CleanWaterAction Reminder by We-Care.com v5.0.5.1 you can restore them to their previous default settings.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome

Win 7 (SP1) 84%
Win 7 2%
Uninstall it 74%
Keep it 26%

Windows OS versionsWindows

Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 86.05%
Windows Vista 9.30%
Windows 10 4.65%
Which OS releases does it run on?
Windows 7 Home Premium 76.74%
Windows 7 Professional 9.30%
Windows Vista Home Premiu... 9.30%
Windows 10 Home 4.65%

Distribution by countryGeography

98.70% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
  United States 98.70%
  Korea 1.30%

OEM distributionPC manufacturers

What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard 32.50%
Dell 22.50%
Acer 12.50%
Toshiba 12.50%
Lenovo 7.50%
Sony 5.00%
ASUS 5.00%
Samsung 2.50%
Common models
TOSHIBA Satellite C655D 5.13%
Gateway NV73A 5.13%
HP G60 Notebook PC 5.13%
TOSHIBA Satellite P755 2.56%
TOSHIBA Satellite L655 2.56%
HP G56 Notebook PC 2.56%

About (from We-Care.com)

We-Care.com is much more than an online shopping mall. With more than 2500 merchants, we empower you to Shop with Purpose.
Publisher URL: www.we-care.com


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