84,488,480 programs installed
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Typically it could take up to 24-48 hours for new programs as well as program versions to be added to the "Should I Remove It?" knowledge-base. Each program is reviewed and tested by our editors as well as our automated systems for malware and adware determinations. Once the program has been added, users like you will be able to rate and review these programs. In addition we will then be able to start collecting removal percentages.

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All removal percentages come from our 100% anonymous opt-in service called Boost Connect, a community of Boost users with the intention to help optimize the performance of your PC. If you are a PC power user and would like to participate in Boost Connect, simply download and install Boost and opt-in to the anonymous service. Oh yeah, Boost will help optimize your PC too!

If you have any specific questions or would like to contact us, we are available pretty much all the time, just drop us a line at [email protected].