Should I remove NeatScan To Office?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
6% remove it94% keep it
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How common is it?
Reach 0.0001%
Version | Distribution | |
100.00% |
Other programs by The Neat Company
NeatScan To Office
What is NeatScan To Office? (from The Neat Company)
NeatScan To Office enables you to scan text or images directly into Microsoft Word - eliminating the need to re-type documents and making it easy to add graphics.
NeatScan To Office is a program developed by The Neat Company. The software installer includes 42 files. A majority of the PCs this is running on, most OS versions are Windows 7 (SP1). While about 80% of users of NeatScan To Office come from the United States, it is also popular in Canada.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\The Neat Company\NeatScan To Office\
Uninstaller: MsiExec.exe /I{A3942004-F1ED-4099-B11F-E4AD507779E6}
(The Windows Installer is used for the installation, maintenance, and removal.)
Language: English (United States)
Files installed by NeatScan To Office
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.NEATOfficeShim.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.NEATOfficeShim (IDTExtensibility2 Shim)
interop.vsmacrohierarchylib.dll - Assembly imported from type library 'VsMacroHierarchyLib'.
Interop.SmartTagLib.dll - Assembly imported from type library 'SmartTagLib'.
interop.imagxpr7.dll - Assembly imported from type library 'ImagXpr7'.
Interop.SHDocVw.dll - Assembly imported from type library 'SHDocVw'.
Microsoft.mshtml.dll - Assembly imported from type library MSHTML
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.PowerPoint.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.PowerPoint.Connect (DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.PowerPoint)
Pcdlib32.dll (by Eastman Kodak) - Kodak Photo CD Access Developer Toolkit (PCDLIB32)
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.SmartTagShim.dll (by CompanyName) - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.SmartTagShim (FileDescription)
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Welcome.exe (by NeatReceipts) - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Welcome
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Word.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Word
DigitalBP.Scanner.Unified.dll - DigitalBP.Scanner.Unified
DigitalBP.Common.dll - NeatScan To Office
digitalbp.scantooffice.commandbars.dll (by Digital Business Processes) - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.CommandBars
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Common.dll (by Digital Business Processes) - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Common
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Excel.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Excel
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Interop.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Interop
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.ManagedAggregator.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.ManagedAggregator
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.NeatOffice.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.NeatOffice
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Outlook.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.Outlook
DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.SmartTags.dll - DigitalBP.ScanToOffice.SmartTags
PowerCollections.dll (by Wintellect) - Power Collections (Wintellect.PowerCollections)
NSTOSupport.exe - NSTOSupport
PegasusImaging.WinForms.ImagXpress7.dll (by Pegasus Imaging) - ImagXpress7 (ImagXpress7 DotNet Control)
PegasusImaging.WinForms.TwainPro4.dll (by Pegasus Imaging) - TwainPro 4 (TwainPro 4 DotNet Control)
log4net.dll (by The Apache Software Foundation) - log4net (log4net for .NET Framework 2.0)
DigitalBP.Core.dll - SPI (DigitalBP.Core)
DigitalBP.SPI.Common.dll - SPI.Common
DigitalBP.SPI.Core.dll - DigitalBP.SPI.Core
DigitalBP.SPI.Facade.dll - SPI.Facade
DigitalBP.SPI.Framework.dll - SPI.Framework
DigitalBP.SPI.Parsing.dll - DigitalBP.SPI.Parsing
DigitalBP.SPI.Scanning.dll - DigitalBP.SPI.Scanning
How do I remove NeatScan To Office?
You can uninstall NeatScan To Office from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program NeatScan To Office, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove NeatScan To Office.
Uninstall it 6%
Keep it 94%
Windows 7 (SP1)
United States
80.00% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
80.00% |
Canada |
20.00% |
PC manufacturers
What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard |
50.00% |
Dell |
50.00% |
About The Neat Company
The Neat Company manufacturers scanning and software solutions designed to scan documents and export text, images, and data to their customized and third-party programs.
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