Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples
Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples is a software program developed by Groove Monkee. The setup package generally installs about 23 files. Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 10 and Windows 7 (SP1). While about 57% of users of Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples come from the United States, it is also popular in Germany and Canada.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\ezdrummer\groove monkee
Uninstaller: "C:\EZDrummer\Groove Monkee\UninstallHardRock1Samples.exe"
Files installed by Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples
UninstallPP2Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Producer Pack 2 Samples (Groove Monkee Producer Pack 2 Samples Installer)
UninstallHardRock1Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples (Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples Installer)
UninstallProgressiveSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Progressive Samples (Groove Monkee Progressive Samples Installer)
UninstallBluesRockSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Blues Rock Samples (Groove Monkee Blues Rock Samples Installer)
UninstallPowerRockSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Power Rock Samples (Groove Monkee Power Rock Samples Installer)
UninstallFusionSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Fusion Samples (Groove Monkee Fusion Samples Installer)
UninstallRock2Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Rock 2 Samples (Groove Monkee Rock 2 Samples Installer)
UninstallRock3Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Rock 3 Samples (Groove Monkee Rock 3 Samples Installer)
UninstallRockE1Samples.exe - Groove Monkee RockE1 Samples (Groove Monkee RockE1 Samples Installer)
UninstallRockE2Samples.exe - Groove Monkee RockE2 Samples (Groove Monkee RockE2 Samples Installer)
UninstallFunkSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Funk Samples (Groove Monkee Funk Samples Installer)
UninstallJazzSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Jazz Samples (Groove Monkee Jazz Samples Installer)
UninstallMetal2Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Metal 2 Samples (Groove Monkee Metal 2 Samples Installer)
UninstallBigEasySamples.exe - Groove Monkee Big Easy Samples (Groove Monkee Big Easy Samples Installer)
UninstallBluesSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Blues Samples (Groove Monkee Blues Samples Installer)
UninstallBreakbeats1Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Breakbeats 1 Samples (Groove Monkee Breakbeats 1 Samples Installer)
UninstallCountry2Samples.exe - Groove Monkee Country 2 Samples (Groove Monkee Country 2 Samples Installer)
UninstallElectronicSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Electronic Samples (Groove Monkee Electronic Samples Installer)
UninstallPunkSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Punk Samples (Groove Monkee Punk Samples Installer)
UninstallRB1Samples.exe - Groove Monkee RB1 Samples (Groove Monkee RB1 Samples Installer)
UninstallSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Sample Pack (Groove Monkee Sample Pack Installer)
UninstallTwistedSamples.exe - Groove Monkee Twisted Samples (Groove Monkee Twisted Samples Installer)
UninstallWorldBeatsSamples.exe - Groove Monkee World Beats Samples (Groove Monkee World Beats Samples Installer)
How do I remove Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples?
You can uninstall Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Groove Monkee Hard Rock 1 Samples.
Win 10 75%
Win 7 (SP1) 25%
Uninstall it 5%
Keep it 95%
Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 10 |
75.00% |
Windows 7 |
25.00% |
Which OS releases does it run on? |
Windows 10 Pro |
50.00% |
Windows 7 Professional |
25.00% |
Windows 8.1 Pro |
25.00% |
57.14% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
57.14% |
Germany |
28.57% |
Canada |
14.29% |
About (from Groove Monkee)
Groove Monkee provides premium MIDI drum loops in a wide variety of styles and popular formats: GM, Addictive Drums, BFD, BFD2, GURU, EZdrummer, Groove Agent, IMAP, Larry Seyer, Live Session Drums, Reason, Session Drummer, Steven Slate Drums, Superior Drummer and MIDI Groove Clip.
Publisher URL: