DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN
DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN is a program developed by DATA BECKER. The main program executable is web2date.exe. The software installer includes 5 files. A majority of the PCs this is running on, most OS versions are Windows 7 (SP1). The distribution of this has mostly been seen in the United States.
Program details
Help link:
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\DATA BECKER\web to date 7 EN\
Uninstaller: "C:\Program Files\DATA BECKER\web to date 7 EN\unins000.exe"
Files installed by DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN
Program executable: | web2date.exe |
Name: | web to date |
| web to date Hauptapplikation |
Path: | C:\Program Files\data becker\web to date 7 en\web2date.exe |
MD5: | 4dbe2c673440465c85c729a8eb397b51 |
Additional files:
docureader.exe (by soft Xpansion) - soft Xpansion PDF DocuReader
FTPTrans.exe (by Thomas Henrichs Softwareentwicklung) - web to date (web to date Datei-Upload Utility)
SiteSwitch.exe (by Thomas Henrichs Softwareentwicklung e.K) - Vorschaltseiten-Editor für web to date
unins000.exe - Setup/Uninstall
How do I remove DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN?
You can uninstall DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove DATA BECKER web to date 7 EN.
Uninstall it 1%
Keep it 99%
Windows 7 (SP1)
United States
100.00% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
Publisher URL: