Should I remove ColorNavigator 6 Core?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
9% remove it91% keep it
What do people think about it?
Be the first to rate (click star to rate)
How common is it?
Reach 0.0011%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 287.08 days
876.96 days >
Average installed length: 460.77 days
Version | Distribution |
6.4.0 |
36.36% |
6.3.0 |
9.09% |
6.2.1 |
22.73% |
6.1.1 |
9.09% |
6.0.2 |
4.55% |
6.0.0 |
18.18% |
ColorNavigator 6 Core
ColorNavigator 6 Core is a software program developed by EIZO NANAO CORPORATION. The most common release is 6.4.0, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in order to automatically start when any user boots the PC. The setup package generally installs about 39 files and is usually about 27.28 MB (28,607,866 bytes). Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10. While about 27% of users of ColorNavigator 6 Core come from the United States, it is also popular in Sweden and Germany.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\EIZO\ColorNavigator 6 Core\
Uninstaller: "C:\Program Files\EIZO\ColorNavigator 6 Core\unins000.exe"
Estimated size: 27.28 MB
Files installed by ColorNavigator 6 Core
libmeasurementdevice.dll - libmeasurementdevice Dynamic Link Library (Measurement Device Dynamic Link Library)
libCSSG2.dll - Clip-on Swing Sensor G2 Control Library
libmdcorrector.dll - libmdcorrector Dynamic Link Library (Corrector Dynamic Link Library)
libDDCCImctrl.dll - libDDCCImctrl Dynamic Link Library
libJUSTColorCommu2Ctl.dll - colorCommunicator2 Control Library
libHIDmctrl.dll - libHIDmctrl Dynamic Link Library (HID Monitor Control Dynamic Link Library)
libmSensor.dll - libmSensor Dynamic Link Library (EIZO Sensor Control Library)
libemlock.dll - libemlock Dynamic Link Library (Monitor Lock Dynamic Link Library)
libSerial.dll - libSerial Dynamic Link Library (Serial Communiction Library)
libKMcalib.dll - libKMcal Dynamic Link Library
libmctrl.dll - libmctrl Dynamic Link Library (Monitor Control Dynamic Link Library)
libminfo.dll - libminfo Dynamic Link Library (Monitor Information Dynamic Link Library)
libmptag.dll - libmptag Dynamic Link Library (Monitor Profile Tag Parser Dynamic Link Library)
libeemu.dll - libeemu Dynamic Link Library (Emulation Library)
libaac.dll - libaac dynamic link library
libemc.dll - libemc Dynamic Link Library (EIZO Monitor Control Dynamic Link Library)
libLightBoxCtl.dll - Light Box Control Library
libCSSG2Helper.dll - libCSSG2Helper (Support Library for Swing Sensor)
IccProfLib.dll - IccProfLib
libcolour.dll - libcolour Dynamic Link Library (Colour Calculation Library)
EyeOne.dll (by X-Rite) - i1_c_sdk Dynamic Link Library
libimpronta.dll - Impronta Dynamic Link Library
libAdjustLightBox.dll - Adjusting Light Box Library
ftd2xx.dll (by FTDI Ltd) - FTDIChip CDM Drivers (FTD2XX library)
lcd_calib.dll (by KONICA MINOLTA SENSING, INC) - LCD Calibrator SDK
colormunki.dll - colormunki (colormunki Dynamic Link Library)
CVSpyder.dll (by ColorVision Inc) - Spyder API (CVSpyder.dll 4.2-1)
Behaviors exhibited
Startup File (All Users Run)
- cn6_eacore.exe is loaded in the all users (HKLM) registry as a startup file name 'ColorNavigator 6' which loads as "C:\Program Files\EIZO\ColorNavigator 6 Core\cn6_eacore.exe".
How do I remove ColorNavigator 6 Core?
You can uninstall ColorNavigator 6 Core from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program ColorNavigator 6 Core, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove ColorNavigator 6 Core.
Win 7 (SP1) 77%
Win Vista (SP2) 5%
Automatically starts? Yes
(Found in the run registry)
Uninstall it 9%
Keep it 91%
Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows 7 |
77.27% |
Windows 10 |
18.18% |
Windows Vista |
4.55% |
Which OS releases does it run on? |
Windows 7 Professional |
50.00% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
13.64% |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
13.64% |
Windows 8 Pro |
9.09% |
Windows Vista Home Premiu... |
4.55% |
Windows 8 Pro with Media ... |
4.55% |
26.92% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
26.92% |
Sweden |
15.38% |
Germany |
15.38% |
Austria |
7.69% |
Japan |
7.69% |
Netherlands |
7.69% |
France |
3.85% |
Portugal |
3.85% |
Philippines |
3.85% |
Italy |
3.85% |
BG |
3.85% |
PC manufacturers
What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard |
45.45% |
18.18% |
Dell |
9.09% |
American Megatrends |
9.09% |
9.09% |
Samsung |
9.09% |
Common models |
Dell Dell System Vostro... |
8.33% |
HP-Pavilion FR380AA-ABH m... |
8.33% |
HP Z600 Workstation |
8.33% |
HP Z210 Workstation |
8.33% |
HP Compaq dc7800 Converti... |
8.33% |
Samsung 900X3C/900X3D/900... |
8.33% |