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Should I remove Roxio Creator Audio?

What percent of users and experts removed it?
5% remove it95% keep it
Overall Sentiment
What do people think about it?
(click star to rate)
How common is it?
Global Rank #1,530
United States Rank #923
Reach 0.4455%
Lifespan of installation (until removal)
< 27.16 days
801.08 days >
Average installed length: 420.91 days


3.8.0 0.11%
3.7.0 0.55%
3.5.0 15.73%
3.4.0 27.70%
3.3.0 55.92%

Other programs by Roxio

Roxio Creator Audio

What is Roxio Creator Audio?

Roxio Creator is proprietary optical disc authoring program. Creator will only record data CDs in Mode 1 (consequently, there are CD-ROM drives that will not recognize anything other than the first session of a Mode 1 CD.). Creator supports a wide variety of file formats, including AVI, DV, HDV, DV-AVI, MPEG-1/2/4, MPEG2-HD, DVD-Video, Audio CD, MP3, WAV, WMA, Dolby Digital AC-3, AAC, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and GIF.

About  (from Roxio)

Convert DVD video, web video or any other video file automatically to a preferred format for easy playback on your mobile phone, iPadĀ®, iPodĀ® or other portable device. Spice up your videos with 8 amazing video effects found in nature and beyond: fire, fog, rainfall, snow storm, smoke, fireworks, fairy dust and sparks.


The most used version is 3.3.0, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. The main program executable is Launch.exe. The software installer includes 26 files and is usually about 875.96 KB (896,987 bytes).

Roxio Creator Audio is pre-installed on the PC

Such software is installed by the manufacture when delivering the PC to the end user. Some pre-installed programs are considered bloatware as they are simply limited function trials, while others are required for proper PC operation.
Roxio Creator Audio is typically pre-installed with Dell computers.
Note: This program has often been considered as bloatware by some users as it is bundled on various manufacturer's new PCs. (Because this might be considered bloatware does not mean the software is bad or harmful, if you use it regularly its worthwhile to have. However, bloatware typically means the program is optional and was simply pre-installed but is not required and can be removed.) Some quick tips to be aware of:
  • It is usually licensed for use only on the Dell PC on which it was pre-installed.
  • It is often time or functionally (lite version) limited for Dell computers.
  • If you do not use this program you might consider remvoing it as it often consumes system resources, even if not actively being run, adversely affecting system responsiveness.

Program detailsProgram details

Help link:
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\Roxio Central36\Audio\
Uninstaller: MsiExec.exe /I{73A4F29F-31AC-4EBD-AA1B-0CC5F18C8F83}
(The Windows Installer is used for the installation, maintenance, and removal.)
Estimated size: 875.96 KB

Program filesFiles installed by Roxio Creator Audio

Program executable:Launch.exe
Name:Launch Application
Path:C:\Program Files\Archivos comunes\Roxio Shared\9.0\Roxio Central33\Audio\Launch.exe
Additional files:
  • Launch.exe (by Sonic Solutions) - Launch Application
  • AP_WMADRM.dll (by Sonic Solutions) - AP_WMADRM Dynamic Link Library
  • AudioPlugin.dll - Audio Plugin Dynamic Link Library
  • MainrCHS.dll - Language resources - Dynamic Link Library
  • MainrCHT.dll
  • MainrDEU.dll
  • MainrENU.dll
  • MainrESN.dll
  • MainrFRA.dll
  • MainrITA.dll
  • MainrJPN.dll
  • MainrKOR.dll
  • MainrPTB.dll

How do I remove Roxio Creator Audio?

You can uninstall Roxio Creator Audio from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
  1. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
    • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. When you find the program Roxio Creator Audio, click it, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
    • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  3. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Roxio Creator Audio.

Win Vista (SP2) 60%
Win Vista 0%
Uninstall it 5%
Keep it 95%

Windows OS versionsWindows

Which Windows OS versions does it run on?
Windows Vista 71.84%
Windows 7 17.47%
Windows XP 7.25%
Windows 10 3.37%
Windows Server 2003 0.08%
Which OS releases does it run on?
Windows Vista Home Premiu... 53.06%
Windows Vista Home Basic 12.00%
Windows 7 Home Premium 8.11%
Microsoft Windows XP 7.11%
Windows Vista Business 4.99%
Windows 7 Professional 4.93%

Distribution by countryGeography

72.74% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
  United States 72.74%
  United Kingdom 4.14%
  Canada 3.59%
  France 2.98%
  Germany 1.93%
  Italy 1.92%
  Australia 1.04%
  Netherlands 0.96%
  Spain 0.85%
  Belgium 0.84%
  Sweden 0.64%
  Mexico 0.61%
  Japan 0.47%
  Brazil 0.43%

OEM distributionPC manufacturers

What PC manufacturers (OEMs) have it installed?
Hewlett-Packard 50.05%
Dell 48.27%
Acer 0.79%
ASUS 0.36%
American Megatrends 0.18%
Common models
Dell Inspiron 530 6.95%
HP Pavilion dv6500 Notebo... 6.93%
Dell Inspiron 531 5.22%
HP Pavilion dv9500 Notebo... 3.64%
Dell Dimension E521 3.60%
Dell Dell DXP061 3.33%

About Roxio

Roxio, now Sonic Solutions, is a software developer specializing in consumer digital media products whose product line includes programs for the creation of digital media projects, media conversion software, and content distribution systems.
Publisher URL:


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