Should I remove FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012?
What percent of users and experts removed it?
1% remove it99% keep it
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How common is it?
Reach 0.0002%
Version | Distribution |
2012 |
100.00% |
FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012
FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012 is a program developed by FORTUNE3. It adds an extension to the user's Internet Explorer web browser. The main program executable is f3wizard.exe. The software installer includes 32 files. A majority of the PCs this is running on, most OS versions are Windows 7 (SP1). While about 80% of users of FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012 come from the United States, it is also popular in Chile.
Program details
Installation folder: C:\Program Files\fortune3 wizard
Uninstaller: C:\Program Files\FORTUNE3 Wizard\uninst.exe
Files installed by FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012
Program executable: | f3wizard.exe |
Name: | FORTUNE3 Wizard |
Path: | C:\Program Files\fortune3 wizard\f3wizard.exe |
MD5: | a6d9c211d38eb8357172b8630d723659 |
Additional files:
f3thermalprinter.exe - printer
ww.exe - ww
vbalTbar6.ocx (by vbAccelerator) - vbalTbar - vbAccelerator Toolbar and Rebar control. (vbAccelerator Toolbar/Rebar control)
vbalIml6.ocx (by vbAccelerator) - vbaIml - vbAccelerator Image List control (vbAccelerator Image List Control)
vbalExpBar6.ocx - vbAccelerator VB6 Explorer Bar Control
vbalCmdBar6.ocx - vbAccelerator VB6 CommandBar control
vbalTab6.ocx (by vbaccelerator) - vbAccelerator TabStrip Control
Unzip32.dll (by Info-ZIP) - Info-ZIP's UnZip Windows DLL (Info-ZIP's UnZip DLL for Win32)
CrcCtrl.ocx (by Chris Amos) - CrcCtrl OLE Control Module
Zip32.dll (by Info-ZIP) - Info-ZIP's WiZ (Info-ZIP's Zip dll)
SSubTmr6.dll - SSubTmr6 (Subclassing and Timer Assistant, modified for configurable message response, multi control support and bug fixed for timer errors.)
zlib.dll - zlib data compression library
csstidy.exe - CSSTidy (CSS Parser and Optimiser)
PNGlib.dll (by Thomas Kabir) - PNGlib (Portable Network Graphics Library)
COMDLG32.OCX (by Microsoft) - CMDIALOG (CMDialog ActiveX Control DLL)
DHTMLED.ocx (by Microsoft) - DHTML Editing Component (Microsoft (R) Dynamic HTML Editing Control)
hh.exe - HTML Help (Microsoft® HTML Help Executable)
hhctrl.ocx - Microsoft® HTML Help Control
itircl.dll - Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
itss.dll - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
msadox.dll - Microsoft Data Access Components (Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Extensions)
Mscomctl.ocx - MSCOMCTL (Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL)
msdart32.dll - Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
MSFLXGRD.OCX - Microsoft FlexGrid Control (MSFlexGrid)
msinet.ocx - Microsoft Internet Transfer Control (Microsoft Internet Transfer Control DLL)
MSSTDFMT.DLL - MSSTDFMT Object Library (Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL)
MSWINSCK.OCX - Microsoft Winsock Control (Microsoft Winsock Control DLL)
RICHED32.DLL - Microsoft® Windows(TM) Operating System (Windows 95 Rich Text Edit Control)
RICHTX32.OCX - RichText
triedit.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Editing Component
Behaviors exhibited
Internet Explorer Extension
- COMDLG32.OCX is installed as an Internet Explorer extension using the class {9F01D864-E34E-46A0-927D-9C78EF4B723D}.
How do I remove FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012?
You can uninstall FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012 from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
- On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
- Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
- When you find the program FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012, click it, and then do one of the following:
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
- Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
- Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012.
How do I reset my web browser?
If your web browser homepage and search settings have been modfied by FORTUNE3 Wizard 2012 you can restore them to their previous default settings.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer and click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.
- Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset. Select the Delete personal settings check box if you would also like to remove search providers, Accelerators and home pages. When Internet Explorer finishes applying default settings, click Close, and then click OK.
- The changes will take effect the next time you open IE.
Mozilla Firefox
- At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, go over to the Help sub-menu and select Troubleshooting Information.
- To continue, click Reset Firefox in the confirmation window that opens. It will close and be reset.
- When it's done, a window will list the information that was imported. Click Finish and Firefox will open.
Google Chrome
- Open Chrome and click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
- Select Settings. In the "Search" section, click Manage search engine. Check if (Default) is displayed next to your preferred search engine. If not, mouse over it and click Make default. Mouse over any other suspicious search engine entries that are not familiar and click X to remove them.
- When the "Show Home button" checkbox is selected, a web address appears below it. If you want the Homepage button to open up a different webpage, click Change to enter a link.
- Restart Google Chrome.
Uninstall it 1%
Keep it 99%
Windows 7 (SP1)
80.00% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
United States |
80.00% |
Chile |
20.00% |