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Should I remove Python Libraries?

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8% remove it92% keep it
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Very good
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1.00 100.00%

Python Libraries


Python Libraries is a program developed by Python Software Foundation. A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version). The software is designed to connect to the Internet and adds a Windows Firewall exception in order to do so without being interfered with. The software installer includes 4 files. A majority of the PCs this is running on, most OS versions are Windows 7 (SP1). While about 83% of users of Python Libraries come from the United States, it is also popular in United Kingdom.

Program detailsProgram details

Installation folder: C:\Program Files\Python27\
Uninstaller: MsiExec.exe /X{ABE4CCFC-BA2A-4481-A6D9-3B8FB28397DC}
(The Windows Installer is used for the installation, maintenance, and removal.)
Language: English (United States)

Program filesFiles installed by Python Libraries

  • python.exe
  • pythonw.exe
  • Removeipython.exe
  • w9xpopen.exe

Program behaviorsBehaviors exhibited

2 Scheduled Tasks
  • python.exe is scheduled as a task named 'UpdateBiggsPP' (runs daily at 10:20 AM).
  • Removeipython.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{61FC47B8-E3EF-4C11-9E85-1A02C1053E58}' (runs on registration).
2 Windows Firewall Allowed Programs
  • python.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Python27\python.exe'.
  • pythonw.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Python27\pythonw.exe'.

Program resource utilizationResource utilization averages

Memory:21.22 MB
21.09 MB average
Total CPU:0.0000778839%
0.031193% average
Kernel CPU:0.00002427%
0.016088% average
User CPU:0.00005362%
0.015104% average

How do I remove Python Libraries?

You can uninstall Python Libraries from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel.
  1. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall a Program.
    • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. When you find the program Python Libraries, click it, and then do one of the following:
    • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Click Uninstall.
    • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  3. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Python Libraries.

Uninstall it 8%
Keep it 92%
Windows 7 (SP1)
United States

Distribution by countryGeography

83.33% of installs come from the United States
Which countries install it?
  United States 83.33%
  United Kingdom 16.67%

About Python Software Foundation

The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to the Python programming language.
Publisher URL: www.python.org/psf


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