84,488,480 programs installed


About Zendeals

From the privacy policy on zendeals.com - "We may also display directly in your search engine search results, relevant and customized content, results and advertising, and may highlight or identify ZenDeals.com merchants that appear in your results, so that you may continue to take full advantage of the ZenDeals.com network, even when you are not searching directly on the ZenDeals.com site. In order to do this, our Coupon Application gathers data about your searches and browsing activities – we combine and compare this information with the other information we collect and maintain about you. If you do not wish ZenDeals.com to continue to collect this information about your browsing and search history, you must uninstall the Coupon Application. In some cases, the Coupon Application may contain the search feature, which sends a request to our servers while processing a search query that you have inputted."

Publisher description (from Zendeals)

ZenDeals delights online shoppers by saving you time and money. Founded in 2011, ZenDeals is funded by Innovation Endeavors, and Facebook and Zynga executives. ZenDeals’ business team is made up of Stanford MBAs and second time entrepreneurs who have previously worked at firms such as eBay, McKinsey, and Accenture. Our engineering team holds PhD and Masters degrees and have developed industrial strength web products...  Read more
Publisher URL: zendeals.com

Programs by Zendeals

3 known major program versions, ordered by most used.
  57% remove
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find deals associated with the merchant's product offerings. If ZD Manager sees a corresponding... More about ZD Manager
  74% remove
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find deals associated with the merchant's product offerings. If ZD Manager sees a corresponding... More about ZD for Chrome/Firefox
  67% remove
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find deals associated with the merchant's product offerings. If ZD Manager sees a corresponding... More about ZD for Chrome